
In keeping with the spirit of Maplelawn Farmstead’s mission to create experiences that connect people to the rich, rural history of the 1930s Great Depression on an Indiana family farm, there are lots of ways to get involved at Maplelawn.

We’d like to encourage you to check out Maplelawn’s calendar of events, and – if you have a particular interest or skill that you’d like to share with our visitors to Maplelawn through any of these  programs – or if you just have a pair of willing hands and would like to help out completing any number of work projects at the Farmstead, please contact us.


As a privately-funded not-for-profit organization, Maplelawn Farmstead, Inc. relies on donations from interested individuals for the majority of our annual operating budget. To become a member of Maplelawn Farmstead, please contact the Development Chair. If you’re interested in making a restricted gift to one of our projects or programs, we’d love to have the chance to share our plans for the future!

If you have an item – or items – that you’d like to donate to Maplelawn, please contact Jan Stacy – Collections Chair to determine whether your item is something that is needed to add to our collection of educational artifacts. 


One way for area businesses to get involved with Maplelawn Farmstead is to become a Maplelawn Friend-Raiser. When we think about our country’s history, one of the most enduring images that comes to mind is the old-fashioned barn raising – a social event when all of the people of a particular community gathered to help a neighbor in need.

Our Friend-Raiser program provides funding for our annual special events through advertising sponsorships that include a variety of marketing benefits which – in turn – support our sponsors’ businesses.

For information on how your business can become a Maplelawn Friend-Raiser, contact Ralph Stacy – Friend-Raiser Chair.

Contact Ralph via our Contact Form.

Our Current Friend-Raiser Event Sponsors